Social Entrepreneur, Lawyer & Consultant

Strategic advising for individuals, companies, and communities

May I help you?

My professional career has been about helping others build the skills, knowledge and networks they need to overcome barriers and achieve their goals. While I am currently based in Philadelphia, I may be able to help you wherever you are located. I specialize in:

  • Strategic advising to foundations, governments, nonprofits and businesses seeking to develop policies, programs and initiatives that promote more inclusive economic growth strategies.

  • Legal services for individuals, entrepreneurs, employers, and organizations with a special focus on immigration, nonprofit, community development and zoning matters.

About me...

After serving more than a decade as President and CEO of The Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians, a trailblazing nonprofit in the field of immigrant economic inclusion, I now provide legal counsel and strategic consulting services to public and private sector leaders and decision-makers.I recently worked with colleagues from Detroit and Buffalo in helping the Greater Cleveland area develop a strategic plan to grow their economy by attracting and retaining immigrants, refugees and secondary migrants.Closer to home, I have been working with two immigrant-founded, for-profit start-ups addressing challenges of equity and inclusion in workforce development and small business support ecosystems.I currently serve as board chair of The Merchants Fund, a unique organization that just celebrated its 170th Anniversary, providing grants to small businesses in underserved communities in Philadelphia. I am a founding board member of Greenline Access Capital, where we specialize in character-based micro-lending to BIPOC and immigrant-owned businesses. I am also a founding board member of WorldUpstart Impacts, which is focused on growing life science start-ups whose founders identify as 1st Generation, Female, Nonbinary, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, or Indigenous.Common threads through all of my engagements are that I love collaborative problem solving and connecting people to resources, new opportunities, and to other talented people in my network.

Want to connect?

The quickest way is to send me an email by clicking the link below.
You can also connect with me on LinkedIn.